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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Epices condiments
Comité Andaluz De Agricultura Ecologica (caae)
Olives, câpres
Description : n/a
Comité Andaluz De Agricultura Ecologica (caae)
Autres huiles
Description : Notre entreprise de famille se consacre à la production et au marketing d'alimentation Écologique sous notre marque " Hacienda Chambergo", concentré pour exiger les consommateurs qui cherchent la qualité maximale et, en même temps, ils s'occupent de sa (sa) santé et l'environnement, offrant de nos jours plus de 20 produits basés sur la Méditerranée le Régime, étant notre produit principal l'Huile d'olive Vierge Supplémentaire.
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : We can supply Tea, all kind of spices, dried fruits etc
Control Union
Autres boissons
Description : frozen in barrels or cartons, single strenght, Brix 13,0 +/- 2,0°
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Organic Crop Improvement Association (ocia)
Plantes médicinales
Description : We grow organically certified, log grown shiitake mushrooms. We sell our products in fresh, dehydrated and value added forms and also as mycochemicals for cancer research. Our mycochemicals contain components that are used for human immunopotentiation and for cholesterol reduction. We presently grow for the National Cancer Institute.
Fruits legumes
Control Union
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : Dehydrated organic bananas, round slices, slices, wholes. IQF organic bananas, round slices.
Fruits legumes
Qualite France
Autres fruits legumes
Description : CHAMPIGNONS
Fruits legumes
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : n/a
Café, thé, chocolat
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Cacao, chocolat
Description : Les Meilleures Chocolats Bio 1) Barres Truffe de Chocolat, Barres aux Pacanes & Rasins 2) Chocolats assortis en boite 3) Truffes au Chocolat
Epices condiments
Ails, oignons
Description : Organic white garlic
Boissons alcoolisées (apéritifs, bière, cidre, champagne,eau de vie, vin)
Description : We would like to introduce you to a handicrafted beverage, the Mezcal de los Narro 100% from Agave, a truly handicrafted mexican beverage. The Mezcal de los Narro is produced in the town of Nombre de Dios in Durango, México. It is currently being exported to Texas and California in United States, Holland in Europe and in a few weeks to Canada. Its handicrafted process is the result of a simmer below the surface of the earth in volcanic stone ovens and then rested from three to six months in white oak barrels, wich result in a truly mexican handicraft with a smooth taste, gentle to the palate and with an incomparable quality. Our Mezcal is elaborated with the most strict quality norms and handcraft design, as to say from our clients, "it has a great taste and a beautiful bottle with that mexican handicrafted touch". And because of all this, Mezcal de los Naro was recognized in October 2002 with the XXIII Trofeo Internacional de Alimentación y Bebidas New Millennium Award by the Trade Leaders Club based in Paris, France. ( Our product family is varied from wich we could mention as our main products: 1) Mezcal Reposado 100% Agave (100% Agave, rested from 3 to 6 months, handicrafted bottle) 2) Mezcal Gold with 2 worms (Handcrafted bottle and with two tasty and aphrodisiac worms) 3) Mezcal Añejo 100% Agave (100% Agave, rested 6 months, handicrafted bottle) We are currently looking for commercial partners to extend our operations and reach new markets, we are interested in wholesalers and distributors to create long lasting and attractive business relations. We would be glad to know if your company would be interested in importing Mezcal de Los Narro to the markets you serve. We thank you in advance for your response that we are sure we will receive soon. Greetings from Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. Raúl Monter González Commercial and Logistics Mezcal de los Narro División Nuevo León. Tel. (52-81) 8303-59-42 Monterrey, N.L. MEXICO For more info we suggest you to visit our temporal webpage at:
Autres huiles
Description : n/a
autres Textile
Description : Nous produisons des vêtements de coton du chanvre 45% de 55%. Nous nous spécialisons dans des t amicaux d'eco supérieur de qualité, des chapeaux, des polos, des oxfords, des sacs d'emballage, des sweatshirts à capuchon et de longs t-shirts de douille. Prix de gros de gros de tous vos besoins promotionnels ou personnels
Fruits legumes
Florida Certified Organic Growers & Consumers, Inc.
Légumes frais
Description : 100% Organic Watercress
Fruits legumes
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Organic French Prunes
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
